Till the 4th of June Silesian Museum in Katowice has been showing the latest fruit of the work of its art conservators. It’s a preserved or in fact even saved painting by
Wincenty Wodzinowski entitled
"Harvesters Rest" also known as
"The Player". This oil painting of c.1896 was loaned by Lviv’s Picture Gallery and as, unhappily, most of the paintings of its collections was in dramatic condition. Introductory abduction of the painting has shown 20 centimeters long render of the canvas nearby its left edge.
During the conservation the layer of old vernix was removed. The most difficult part of the works was removing the painting from its old spindle and doubling the thin canvas, which mainly caused the damage. Finally the painting was given a new spindle. During the last phase of the conservation the holes in the painting layer were fixed with a special putty, then its colour was adjusted with watercolours to fit the background. In the end fixed picture was covered with a new layer of vernix.
Following phases of the conservation are documented in the pictures below, which appear thanks to kind permission of the Silesian Museum.

Visible destruction of the painting layer.

Holes filled with the putty.

The putty after being colorized with watercolours.